Reid is now 15 months old and I want to write down some things so that I can remember them. He is walking 50% of the time now and says a few words like mama, dada, bye, bye. He also shakes his head no when he doesn't want something and yells at us when he wants our attention. Too funny. He loves to read. His favorite book at the moment is the Wheels on the Bus. He also loves to drag cars around our living room/den. Reid has 7 teeth and another peeking through the gums -- all in the front. He eats table food at every meal -- no more baby food! He drinks from a sippy cup and feed himself with a spoon. Messy but hey, it works! He wears mostly 24 months or 2T clothing and a size 4 diaper. We can see his personality more each day. I don't think I could love another child more than this one. He is such a special, happy child. God has richly blessed us.