We had wonderful trip to the beach last week. Reid loved the sand, water and the pool. He especially loves going down the water slide. We stayed at a terrific place that caters to kids under five and Reid managed to wear himself out each afternoon and slept great at night. Ken and I were exhausted. Gone are the days when you went to the beach, slept, read books. .now we chase after a super-active toddler.
Reid has also learned to dance in the water (we love that) and scream in restaurants when we sit down to eat (not so much loving that). The night before we left for the beach, Reid was running in the house and fell and bumped his head. He needed 2-3 stitches, so off to Brenner Children's Hospital we went. Luckily, we were able to Dermabond the cut and off to the beach we went. We had to make sure the wound had a waterproof bandage on it, but overall I doubt Reid missed out on much.
We took another turn on the carousel and Reid was still not impressed. He likes to watch it go around but does not like to ride it per se. The trip was a complete success and full of fun things to do and share. I was glad to spend the time with my boys.